Legal requirements for converting a truck into a motorhome (UK)

There are two basic categories - a motor caravan and a living van

Motor Caravan 

A motor caravan is a motor vehicle which is constructed or adapted for the carriage of passengers and their effects and which contains, as permanently installed equipment, the facilities which are reasonably necessary for enabling the vehicle to provide mobile living accommodation for its users.  Motor caravans are not classed as goods vehicles for MOT test purposes and are therefore in class IV or V depending on their seating capacity but regardless of their size or weight.

Living Van

A living van is a vehicle, whether mechanically propelled or not, which is used for living accommodation by one or more persons and which is also used for the carriage of goods or burden which are not needed by such one or more persons for the purpose of their residence in the vehicle.  Living vans are classed as goods vehicles and, depending on their weight, are therefore in either class IV or VII within the MOT test scheme or are subject to HGV plating and testing.

We will be converting our truck into a "motor caravan". So just what facilities are reasonably necessary for enabling the vehicle to provide mobile living accommodation for its users?

There is much debate on this topic, but I received this description from the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency, the horse's mouth, so to speak.

The requirements are:

  • Seats and a table
  • Sleeping accommodation
  • Cooking facilities
  • Storage facilities

Seats and a table

Are required to be an integral part of the living accommodation area, and mounted independently of other items. The table must be capable of being mounted directly to the vehicle floor and /or side wall. The table mounting arrangement must be secured as a permanent feature, (bolted, riveted, screwed or welded), although the table may be detachable. Permanently secured seating must be available for use at the table. The seats must be secured directly to the vehicle floor and/or side wall. The seats must be secured as a permanent feature, (bolted riveted, screwed or welded).

Sleeping Accommodation

Must be an integral part of the living accommodation area. Either beds or a bed converted from seats (to form a mattress base) secured as a permanent feature, with base structures bolted, riveted, screwed or welded to the vehicle floor and / or side wall, (unless the sleeping accommodation is provided as a provision over the driver’s cab compartment.

Cooking Facilities

That are an integral part of the vehicle living accommodation and is mounted independently of other items. That are secured to the vehicle floor and / or side wall. Secured as a permanent feature, (bolted, riveted, screwed, or welded. The cooking facility must consist of a minimum of a two ring cooking facility or a microwave in either case having a fuel/power source. If the cooking facility is fuelled by gas having a remote fuel supply, the fuel supply pipe must be permanently secured to the vehicle structure. If the cooking facility is fuelled by gas having a remote fuel supply, the fuel reservoir must be secured in a storage cupboard or  reservoir secured to the vehicle structure.

Storage Facilities

Storage facilities must be provided by a cupboard or locker. The facility must be an integral part of the vehicle living accommodation, ie mounted independently of other items, unless incorporated below seat/sleeping accommodation or the cooking facility. The storage facility must be a permanent feature, (bolted, riveted, screwed or welded). The storage facility must be secured directly to the vehicle floor and / or side wall, unless a storage provision is provided over the driver’s


    1 .
    all these sponsors.... all the cost of your Songololo vehicle and its preparation costs, your 4x4 training, etc etc etc etc so much self indulgenge and what to show for it? £150 raised- shame on you- think about it - no really...think about it..
    Observer12 - 14 Aug 2009, 9:56

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